The Oregon Journalism Lab

Student Journalism from the University of Oregon

The Roles of Clare

~ By Georgia Hunter

Clare Josef-Maier is a deacon and she is a mom. Clare joined the roster at Central Lutheran in 2017. She is also a collaborative minister at the Emmaus and United Lutheran churches in Eugene.

Deacon Clare Josef-Maier and Pastor Ben Nickodemus in the Central Lutheran Church’s sanctuary in Eugene, Oregon.
Clare finishes last minute preparations in her office before a Sunday service at the Emmaus Lutheran Church in Eugene.
Clare and her daughter Maeve disagree about the placement of the fort Maeve has made under the piano in the Central Lutheran Church in Eugene.
Clare plays with bubble wrap with Maeve at Clare’s apartment in Eugene.
Short hair is more than an aesthetic choice for Clare. It is tied up in her thoughts about her self-image and how she is seen by the world.
Clare talks with one of the members of the Emmaus Lutheran Church before going to pick Maeve up from school.
Clare and Maeve watching the 1973 version of “Robin Hood” at Clare’s apartment.
Clare and Maeve take a walk near Clare’s apartment in Eugene, Oregon on April 27, 2024. Photo credit Georgia Hunter.
Clare places candles for the meditation she leads on Thursdays at the Central Lutheran Church. She leads the meditation regardless of how many people show up even if that means doing it alone some weeks.